
summer 2010

Our objectives for this summer :

A) the cleaning/demolition part :

After meeting the A Bola town hall architect, we agreed to change our plans : instead of cleaning the inside of the houses, we will clean the external parts, the streets of the village, the paths around, which means, more or less, cutting bushes, mowing grass, etc...

B) Dynamization of Saumede / participation in the A Bola's life :

Along with the cleaning/destruction work, we would like our presence in Saumede to be the opportunity to organize some small events, in collaboration with the locals. These events would take place within Saumede, but also in A Bola. They could be concerts, theater, sport, fishing, cooking, etc....

We would also like to participate in A Bola's social and cultural life, especifically in the numerous local festivities, helping, for example, with their logistics.